Sunday, 5 April 2020

The one where we call the old guard...

I know some of you never stopped and for that I applaud you Pip Lincolne.

In these COVID-19 times I have picked up the hook and in doing so I felt a pang of nostalgia and wondered if we should (or even could), rally the first wave blog crew.  

They were such great times - we wrote chatty, conversational posts, we boosted each other up and we made things, real things with our hands because we loved it.

We made a community.

This morning I heard from one of my greatest blog crushes Mrs Smith and together we have decided on a reunion tour.  

You're invited!

Blog Revival

What:  No frills, real posts, free platform (blogger's changed a bit but it's just like riding a bike really) and if you can remember your Typepad login Rummage & Cookie (couldn't find you Shaz - get on it) power to you.

When:  Daily if you can (no pressure though)

I lost my kootoyoo somewhere in the blackhole that is the internet and frankly this seems more appropriate anyway.  Nobody wants to listen to me banging on endlessly at you - let's chat!  I'm working out how to revive the sidebar but if you're in leave a comment here.  Let's kick it off.

Big love to you all & keep safe

Koo & Mrs Smith.


  1. You know I am in. Post on the way.

  2. CRIKEY! I reckon I'd be up for a crack at dusting everything off! x

  3. I'm in and I'm excited! Thanks for the nudge ladies x

  4. Looking forward to catching up Mel x

  5. Good grief, mighty tempting!

    1. We might not be here for long but it will be fun while it lasts - join in x

  6. Yep, I lost my blog in the black hole too, but a change is as good as a holiday & we aren’t allowed them right now so, I’m here now:
